How many pieces of clothing do you own? Is your wardrobe bulging with clothes you don’t wear or don’t fit, or even still have the tags on because you just had to have it, but in reality you have no use for it and nothing to wear with it? Whether that’s a result of decision […]
Here’s a challenge: go to your wardrobe, open it up and gather up all your black clothes. And then, if you’re part of the 75% of the population that don’t have black in their colour palette, throw it away. “Wait, what?!”, I hear you say. “I have to get rid of it?!” That can’t be […]
If you’ve ever worn mascara before I’m sure you’ll know all about panda eyes: you put mascara on in the morning and by lunchtime it’s smudged everywhere. I hear it all. the. time. And believe me, I’ve been there too. But not anymore! Here are my top tips for getting the most out of your […]
Skin. The biggest organ of our body. It protects everything inside it by holding it together. And if it was laid out flat it would take up an area of 2 square metres! The majority of our skin is covered with clothing every day, but our hands and face are exposed most of the time, […]
Confession: I haven’t always worn blush. My makeup routine for a long time consisted of foundation, eyeliner, mascara and some lipstick. I didn’t even consider anything else, and to be honest the makeup scene back then was quite different than it is now. I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, the […]
Have you ever wondered how Lipsense works? To answer that question we first need to think about our eyes… Do you remember those competitions you would have with other kids where you would try and stare at each other for as long as possible and the person who blinked last was the winner? How long […]
“Oh I can’t wear [insert colour here], it makes me look sick”. Have you ever heard yourself using this as an answer when discussing clothes and makeup before? I definitely have! It’s most likely to do with your skin’s undertone. It’s really easy to see that we all have different skin colours, and they’re actually […]
Vision Boards. You those pinboards people made with pictures and words of their life goals and dreams all over them?? The thought process was that if you put it out there to the universe it will come to you. These worked really well for a few people, but for most of us, that multi-million dollar […]
Do you remember when you were little and your mother/grandmother would tell you to brush your hair 100 times before bed to get shiny and healthy hair? No, just me? Well, I’d love to think that was the one and only secret to healthy hair, but unfortunately there are a few other factors to take […]
We all have that one (or maybe more!) part of ourselves that just doesn’t inspire joy. For me, it’s my hair. Well actually, I should say it DIDN’T use to. It does now! If you know much about me, you’ll know that one of my main messages is that you are beautiful. JUST THE WAY […]