Vision Boards: The Best Way to Set Goals In 2022

Vision Boards.  You those pinboards people made with pictures and words of their life goals and dreams all over them??  The thought process was that if you put it out there to the universe it will come to you.

These worked really well for a few people, but for most of us, that multi-million dollar mansion was probably not going to come to pass (although these days it’s much more likely since our house prices have skyrocketed so much!).

Thankfully these days, we’ve developed our thinking and understanding a bit more of how we can use vision boards effectively and we have refined them slightly.

The idea behind a vision board is to have a visual representation of your goals, but the images alone will not make them happen.  We must take action on these images to see progress.

Why, then, are vision boards the best way to set goals in 2022?

By nature, humans are visual creatures.  We use images to portray messages in many situations, and we all know the saying “A picture paints a thousand words”!  We are also very connected to our emotions, and often our heart will determine our decision before our head.

An image can invoke emotions and memories which we are far more connected to than words.  For instance, one of my goals this year is to spend more time holidaying as a family.   The photo below is the steps across from our family bach that lead out to the harbour.  The feelings associated with this are enjoyment and relaxation, and it holds lots of special memories.  It may not be that all our hoidays are at this place, but what’s more important is the feelings associated with the image.  When I look it I will be reminded of my goal and decision, and will help to keep me on track.

What is the best way to create vision boards in 2022?

For many of of us, gone are the days of cutting pictures out of magazines, or having magazines in the first place!  These days we are more likely to have a device in front of us, so a digital version of a vision board is much more useful.  Of course, if getting creative with paper or other mediums is still what you enjoy (I can totally relate as i love scrapbooking too), then by all means go ahead and create yourself an amazing vision board to hang on your wall.

First you will need to decide on your goals or inspiration, and then transfer these ideas to images.  These could be any mix of your own photos, images from Pinterest or any other free stock photography site, like Unsplash.

If you have any words, quotes or phrases you want to use, you can either find it online and download the image, you can use a text app like Wordswag or Font Candy to turn it into an image and download it from there.

Once you have all the images and text that you want to include, you can use an app like Pic Collage or Canva to create a grid style image suitable for you device.  It may be the background on your phone, ipad, tablet or desktop.

Download the image, make it your background and you’re all set!  Now every time you come to the home screen of your device or desktop, you’ll be reminded of what you’re doing for this year!

Vision boards were once places to put your dreams and aspirations, but not necessarily things that would ever come to pass.  Now they have transformed into usable tools that help you to achieve your goals.  They can be considered works in progress, and can change and adapt with you as life changes direction (which as we saw in 2020/2021 can happen overnight).

If you’d like to find out more about creating and using your own vision board, make sure you follow my page, The Beauty of You, where we talk all things beauty, inside and out.  I am passionate about helping women live their best life, and feel good doing it!  I’d love to have you join me and be a part of the journey too.